Multi-Chain Blockbook-API

What is Blockbook

The Blockbook API is part of a blockchain indexer and API service developed by Trezor, mainly used for Bitcoin and other selected cryptocurrencies. It provides a way to query information from the blockchain in a more efficient and accessible manner than querying the blockchain directly. Blockbook is designed to offer a wide range of information about transactions, addresses, and blocks on the blockchain it supports.

Here are some key features and capabilities of the Blockbook API:

  1. Address and Account Balance: It allows users to query the balance of a specific address, including historical transaction data. This is useful for wallet applications to display the balance and transaction history of a user's account.

  2. Transaction Details: The API provides detailed information on individual transactions, including inputs, outputs, transaction hashes, and confirmations. This is crucial for tracking transactions and understanding their status on the blockchain.

  3. Block Information: It can return data about specific blocks in the blockchain, including the block height, hash, and transactions included in the block. This is useful for applications that need to analyze or display information about blockchain blocks.

  4. UTXO (Unspent Transaction Outputs): Blockbook API can query UTXO data for addresses, which is vital for creating new transactions. UTXOs represent the amount of digital currency someone has available to spend.

  5. Support for Multiple Cryptocurrencies: While originally developed for Bitcoin, Blockbook has expanded support to include other cryptocurrencies, making it a versatile tool for developers working with multiple blockchains.

  6. Websocket Support: For real-time data, the API offers WebSocket support, allowing applications to get real-time notifications about transactions and blocks as they are confirmed on the blockchain.

  7. Custom Backend for Trezor Wallet: Initially, Blockbook was developed as a backend service for the Trezor hardware wallet, ensuring high compatibility and reliability for wallet users.

Multi-Chain support

The Multi-Chain Blockbook-API supports multiple blockchains blockbook, including BTC and chains compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This enables developers to consistently process data across different blockchains, expanding the scope of their applications.

The main features and benefits:

  1. Simple Integration:

    • It allows for easy code integration to process transactions on BTC and ETH-based blockchains. This simplicity accelerates the development process, enabling more developers to adopt blockchain technology more readily.

  2. REST API:

    • Offering an REST API provides easy access to blockchain data from web and mobile applications. This access method is familiar to developers and easily utilized across many programming languages and platforms, facilitating a wide range of application development.


REST endpoint:{network_name}/{coin_name}?apikey={api_key}

  • Path format

    • network_name

      • network_name is represented by each network basically "mainnet" or "testnet"

    • coin_name

      • coin_nameis represented by each blockchain symbol name that hosts the blockbook API service. Please have a look at the example below or check the supported network on the next page Supported Chains

    • api_key

      • api_keyis representing the access key. You can order an API key from the dashboard

We only support REST API, WebSocket API, and API are currently not supported yet


## curl for BTC
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
## curl for ETH
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
## curl for BSC
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
## curl for AVAX
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
## curl for ARB
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
## curl for OP
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

API-Docs (on Trezor page)

Last updated