Sign up

User-Wallet Relationship:

  1. User:

    • Users accessing the service own a wallet. The wallet manages the user's digital identity and is used to create an ECDSA signature.

  2. Wallet:

    • The user's wallet communicates with the service through a protocol such as WalletConnect. The wallet creates a signature in response to the user's access request and sends it back to the server.

  3. Authenticator:

    • The server verifies the received signature from the user. If valid, the server issues an access token to the user. This authenticates the user, granting access to the service.

This mechanism allows users to securely access the service through their wallets, and the server verifies the user's identity through signature verification, enabling secure and decentralized user authentication.

ERC-4361: Sign-In with Ethereum (SIWE)

We are using ERC4361(SIWE) to authenticate users.

Our SIWE message is like this:

Login for metawire

Version: 1
Chain ID: 1
Nonce: UdeRFVbYny9f4bj1
Issued At: 2023-12-06T23:48:56Z
Expiration Time: 2023-12-07T01:48:56Z
Not Before: 2023-12-05T23:48:56Z
Request ID: login

Warning: Protect Yourself from Phishing Scams

Please make sure that you are accessing

Cryptocurrency applications, especially those utilizing ECDSA signatures like DeFi platforms, are susceptible to phishing scams. Always verify that the URL you are accessing during the signature process belongs to the official and legitimate application.

Tips to Stay Secure:

  1. Double-Check the URL:

    • Before creating an ECDSA signature, ensure that you are on the official and correct URL of the application. Be wary of phishing attempts using similar-looking URLs.

Remember, your security is paramount. Be vigilant and take proactive measures to protect your assets and personal information from phishing attacks.

Last updated